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52d 13h

Citizens of Britannia! The evil monster, once a man, known across Sosaria as Mondain is on the hunt for his lost lover Minax! Still bound by her enchanting ways, vicious minions roam the lands searching for Minax's most potent work, the Love Scroll. Unable to be inscribed in any tome, this masterwork of magic is the key to summoning the embodiment of Cupid to afflict one's target with an undying love. Knowing the power to be too much for mere mortals, Mondain seeks to destroy these scrolls and prevent Cupid from entering the world ever again.

Angered at the summons, Cupid's only recourse is to dispatch those who summoned him with an army of minions at his side.


Base TypeEvent
Primary TypeValentines
Sub Types
KeywordsValentines, Event

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

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Tagged Images

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Valentines_2013 Header Image
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Highslide JS
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Highslide JS
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