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Trinsic is the city dedicated to the virtue of Honor, and therefore the headquarters of the paladins of Britannia.

Situated north of the Cape of Heroes and south of Paws, the first thing a traveller will see when reaching the city will be its city walls, which span around the whole city, the pride of the inhabitants. Preserving the walls even after the old times of war, in times of danger, a password is needed to pass through one of the three city gates.

Found in the center of the city is the pedestal where once the Rune of Honor rested, although it was stolen, and sold to the Royal Museum in Britain, reflecting the loss of virtue at that time of history.

The city stands on a strong economic basis. Being a sea-side city, it has a harbor with a shipwright. The Honorable Hound tavern has a wide array of foods and drinks available. The town also has a healer, provisioner, armory, stables as well as trainers for the fighting arts. In Trinsic, some of the best weapons and armor in Britannia can be brought for a reasonable price.

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Base TypePlace
Primary TypeBritannia
Sub TypesTown

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