The Party System![]() Forming a Party Every party must have a party leader. The party leader is the character who adds others to their own party. The party leader is assigned by the system as soon as s/he adds the first member to the party. Once you have decided who the party leader will be, s/he can begin adding members. This can be done two ways, either through the party system menu or through a shortcut, by typing (/add). Although the shortcut method is quickest and most used, the system party menu allows messages to be sent to individual party members. Party System Menus The party system contains a menu that will allow you to more easily manage and maintain your party. The menu can be opened by opening your paperdoll window and double-clicking a dark-gray scroll next to your character paperdoll. This menu can also be opened by creating a macro using the (open) command in the macros section of the options menu. Once you select the (open) command in your macro, you will be able to select (PartyManifest) to assign opening the party menu that macro key. The party manifest menu contains the following: ![]()
♦ A list of all the members in the party. Each party member has a number in brackets [#] to designate their party number. There are three additional buttons below the list of party members (party leaders have one additional button for a total of four).
♦ (Send the party a message).
♦ The third button is different depending whether you are the party leader.
♦ The fourth button (available only in the party leaders manifest) is (Add New Member). Fame and Karma Sharing Party members will share equally all fame and karma gained from fighting. Looting The Party system on Renaissance does not have any effect on looting, flagging. Anyone can remove anything from a recent kill. However if a party is looting a treasuremap chest players not partied with the chest owner will flag grey when removing an item. ![]() Party Member Status Bars
Once a character is in the same party as you are, you can pull up their status bars by clicking and holding the left mouse button over their character. These status bars are different then the status bars you can view currently. In addition to having more information, they are also designed to be less obtrusive. A party system status bar includes: Additional Shortcuts
In addition to the (add) and party message (/) shortcuts, you can also type the following commands to use the party system: Information