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Starting with patch 35 players will be able to purchase items using the platinum coins that have been slowly introduced to the world. Unlike literally all other free UO shards, rather than sell these coins to our players, we are allowing our players to find them in a variety of ways by playing. Renaissance will never have a donation shop or sell items or advancement to our players.

With the addition of patch 51 a vendor was added for the platinum system allowing players to redeeem statues and purchase rewards.

Platinum vendors can be found in all the banks of Britannia and respond to the vendor buy and appraise commands. To redeem a statue for platinum simply drag the statue onto the vendor. The platinum will be deposited into your bank.

Players can earn platinum coins in a variety of ways.
   - As a reward for defeating the various champions.
   - As a reward for defeating the harrower.
   - As a reward for defeating the champions defenders.

   - As a rare drop from most monsters, depending on difficulty.
   - As a common drop from boss monsters.
   - As an uncommon drop from various events.

As a reward for winning a staff or player run tournament.
   - Leading your team in a capture the flag match (Patch 53+)
   - Winning or placing in the various server wide events.
   - Winning or placing in various player run events.
   - Winning an automated scavenger hunt. (Patch 55)
   - Winning a holiday event

   - As a common drop during an ancient mib event.
   - As an uncommon drop in level 3 MIB chests.

   - A common chance in a level 5 dungeon chest (Patch 53+)
   - As a rare chance in a level 4 dungeon chest (Patch 53+)

  Treasure Hunting
   - A common drop in level 6 treasure chests.
   - An uncommon drop in level 5 treasure chests.

  Tradecraft / Bulk Orders
   - As a reward for completing upper level bulk order deeds. (Patch 54+)

  Rougish Behavior
   - Attempting Ironman Ancient MIB's.
   - Stealing from other players.

  Player Activity - Monthly Vet Rewards
   - Players can earn platinum via our monthly veteran system.


Base TypePlace
Primary TypeShop
Sub Types
KeywordsPlatinum, Rewards, vendor