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Implemented in Patch 34 is Renaissance's version of the stone crafting system from OSI. Around the time this was added to the original servers origin had been sold to EA and the quality of patches was steadily declining. Rather than take this as a chance to improve crafting, they simply mailed it in. This is how stone crafting should have been implemented.

To pursue the trade of stone crafting a player will need a variety of skills.
  100 Carpentry- To craft the items.
  50-100 Mining - To harvest the ores.
  Mallet and Chisel - to craft the items.
  Gargoyles Pickaxe - To harvest the ores.

In order to craft stone, sandstone and marble items you will first need to purchase a mallet and chisel from the stone crafter. These vendors can be found in the mining guilds in various towns. The one pictured here is in magincia.

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The next step is to collect some marble, sandstone and stone ore. To do this we will need a gargoyles pickaxe and a cave or dungeon location.
Note: In a future patch mining gloves will give you a bonus chance to find elementals.

While using the gargoyle pickaxe to mine you will have a 20% chance to find an ore elemental. Depending on the colored ore normally found in that location you have a chance to find a marble, sandstone or stone elemental.
Note:Gargoyle pickaxes can be found on gargoyles and as a reward from low level blacksmithing bulk order deeds.

    - Marble Elementals are found where you find Valorite and Verite ore.
    - Sandstone Elementals are found where you find Agapite and Gold ore.
    - Stone Elementals are found where you find Shadow, Copper and Bronze ore.

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Once you find and dispatch the ore elemental you can search its corpse to find the raw stone needed to craft stone items. (1-4 ingots per elemental) However it must be smelted first.

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Next we need to smelt our raw stone into ingots. To do this find your nearest forge. Marble, Sandstone and Stone ore require 50 mining in order to smelt effectively. However more skill is required depending on the size of the stack you are smelting.

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Once we have created enough ingots we can now use our mallet and chisel to being crafting. In order to craft effectively you will need 100 carpentry.
Note: Mining is not required to craft these items

First make sure you select the type of ingots you want to use to craft the selected items. If you want to make a sandstone bench, make sure to select sandstone ingots.

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To see your success chance and resource requirements for each item click the button to the right of the listing.

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Finally enjoy your new decorations in the comfort of your home! Note: You can use the house decor tool to flip many of this items to alternate directions.

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Items that can currently be crafted

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Marble Items
    - Marble Table End 1 - 30 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Marble Table End 2 - 30 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Marble Table Middle - 20 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Marble Pedistal Small - 15 Ingots
    - Marble Pedistal Large - 25 Ingots
    - Marble Sitting Bench - 15 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Marble Bench End 1 - 15 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Marble Bench End 2 - 15 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Marble Bench Middle - 10 Ingots - 2 Directions
Sandstone Items
    - Sandstone Table End 1 - 30 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Sandstone Table End 2 - 30 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Sandstone Table Middle - 20 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Sandstone Fence Post 1 - 10 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Sandstone Fence Post 2 - 10 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Sandstone Sitting Bench - 15 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Sandstone Bench End 1 - 15 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Sandstone Bench End 2 - 15 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Sandstone Bench Middle - 10 Ingots - 2 Directions
Stone Items
    - Stone Table End 1 - 30 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Stone Table End 2 - 30 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Stone Table Middle - 20 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Stone Fence Post 1 - 10 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Stone Fence Post 2 - 10 Ingots - 2 Directions
    - Stone Bench End 1 - 15 Ingots
    - Stone Bench End 2 - 15 Ingots
    - Stone Bench Middle - 10 Ingots
    - Stone Chair - 15 Ingots - 4 Directions

To learn more about stonecrafting and the items that you can craft click here


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KeywordsMasonry, Stonecrafting

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Masonry / Stonecrafting
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Masonry / Stonecrafting
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Masonry / Stonecrafting
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Masonry / Stonecrafting
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Masonry / Stonecrafting