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52d 1h

Lockpicking is used to unlock locked chests.

Raising Lockpicking: Lockpicking is a difficulty based skill. Use a lockpick on an appropriate difficult chest for a chance to gain skill.

0-30: Train from an NPC (tinkers)
30-50: Use a 30/30 player created locked box (create a new character with 30 tinker/30 carpentry)
50-76: Use a 50/50 player created locked box (create a new character with 50 tinker/50 carpentry)
76-82: From Pirul - Use a 70/70 player created locked box
OR raise Detect Hidden 12 points, use a GM box for 2.4 points of Lockpicking, and then drop the Detect Hidden
82-95: Use a 100/100 player created locked box (maybe ask on IRC...)
95-GM: Level 4 Dungeon Chests

Gideon's Advice: You can often find a player to purchase 1000 or so lockpicks from if they made them while training tinkering. Ask on IRC or the forums.


Grandmaster TitleInfiltrator
Starting Items
Skill Gain Info
Skill Gain Chance75%
Str Stat Gain Chance0%
Dex Stat Gain Chance25%
Int Stat Gain Chance0%

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