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I ban thee

Friends, co-owners and owners of a house can issue this command.
It will bring up a targeting cursor to ban and eject someone.
Friends, co-owners and owners cannot be banned.
By doing this, the person banned will be added to the banned list that is accessible from the house sign menu.

Remove thyself

Friends, co-owners and owners of a house can issue this command.
It will bring up a targeting cursor to eject someone.
Friends and owners cannot be ejected. The targeted individual will be sent outside the house, 3 tiles from the door.

I wish to lock this down

Locks an item down in your house. Only the owner and co-owners can issue this command.

I wish to release this

Removes lockdown and/or secure status on an item. Only the owner and co-owners can issue this command.

I wish to secure this

Locks down a container in your house and makes it secure. Only the owner and co-owners can issue this command.
The user can also choose the level of security on it.

I wish to place a trash barrel

Will place a trash barrel inside a house, at the position where you are standing.
Only the owner or co-owner can issue this command. Owners, co-owners and friends can put trash in the barrel.
After 3 minutes the trash will be deleted.


Base TypeInfo
Primary TypeCommands
Sub Types
KeywordsHouse, Commands, Housing

Related Links

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Tagged Images

Highslide JS
House_Commands Header Image