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Hireling / Pet / Follower Commands

(All)/(Name) follow me

Commands all your pets, or the specific pet to follow you.

(Name) drop

Commands the specific pet to drop what it is holding.

(Name) friend

Commands the specific pet to obey the commands of another.

(Name) guard / me

Commands the specific pet to guard its master.

(All) guard / (All) guard me

Commands all your pets to guard their master.

(Name) kill

Commands the specific pet attack the target.

(All) kill

Commands all your pets to attack the specific target.

(Name) stay

Commands the specific pet to stay at the current location.

(All) stay

Commands all your pets to stay at the current location.

(Name) stop

Commands the specified pet to cease current actions and be at ease.

(All) stop

Commands all your pets to cease current actions and be at ease.

(Name) transfer

Initiates a trade of the named pet with the targeted player.

(Name) release / (Name) dismiss

Will release the named pet after a confirmation check

Hireling / Escort / Prisoner Commands

(Name) hire / (Name) mercenary / (Name) servant / (Name) work

Will cause a hireling to respond with how much it will cost to hire him/her.

(Name) move

Will cause a hireling to move to a new location.

I will take thee

Will inform an escortable or prisoner that you will take them to their destination.


Will cause an escortable or prisoner to indicate where they wish to travel.

(name) release / (name) dismiss

Will give you a prompt allowing you to dismiss your follower


Base TypeInfo
Primary TypeCommands
Sub Types
KeywordsPet, Follower, Hireable, Hireling, Escort, Command

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