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The Renaissance server employs a unique system which allows players to develop a guild that is directly allied with the Orcs, Undead or Pirate/Brigand class of NPC's.

By allying your guild with one of the following groups the following changes will take place.
      • NPC's of the allied type will now view you as friendly.
      • Regions defined as guild alliance controlled with treat you as friendly.
      • Regions defined as guild allied will treat non allied players as enemies.
      • Both groups when in a guild alliance controlled region will flag orange to each other.
      • Guild members of an NPC allied guild will face the wrath of the various gods should they violate the alliance and harm their allied NPC's

How to Participate

Guild Alliances, Pirates/Brigands/Orcs/Undead
To ally your guild with one of the NPC alliances on the Renaissance server you will need to contact a staff member.
They will request that you demonstrate the purpose of your guild, type of events you plan to run and make sure there is a detailed post on guild conduct.

Should the guild alliance be used for any other purpose other than the designed use, avoiding murder counts for instance, the alliance will be removed from your guild.

Town Invasions / Base Defense

Guild Alliances, Pirates/Brigands/Orcs/Undead
Once your guild is allied with a NPC group you can begin to work with the staff to arrange a variety of events that work within the alliance system.
Town Invasions: Where the allied guild and NPC's attack a town defended by players.
Town Defense: Where the allied guild members and NPC's defend a town from players.
Base Defense: Where the allied guild members and NPC's defend and established base.

Additional event ideas can be built onto this system with a little staff assistance providing enjoyment for the whole server. Players who take part in the attack/defense of such events will not face the standard penalties of murder as the region the event takes place will be marked as a controlled zone creating a orange flagged combat zone.

To begin planning an event simply contact a staff member with your event idea.

Guild Alliances, Pirates/Brigands/Orcs/Undead

Orc Alliance

Guild Alliances, Pirates/Brigands/Orcs/Undead
The Orc Alliance currently controlls the following territory.
      • Orc Caves
      • Compassion Orc Fort
      • Yew Orc Fort
      • Cove Orc Fort


The Orc Alliance is currently allied with the following NPC's
Orc Bomber
Orc Captain
Orc Scout
Orcish Lord
Orcish Mage

Undead Alliance

Guild Alliances, Pirates/Brigands/Orcs/Undead
The Undead Alliance currently controls the following territory
      To be determined

The Undead Alliance is currently allied with the following NPC's
Ancient Lich
Bone Knight
Bone Magi
Lich Lord
Rotting Corpse
Skeletal Knight
Skeletal Mage

Pirate/Brigand Alliance

Guild Alliances, Pirates/Brigands/Orcs/Undead
The Pirate Alliance currently controls the following territory.
      • Bald Island Pirate Outpost
      • South Trinsic Beach Pirate Outpost
      • Yew Brigand Fort
      • More to be added...

The Pirate/Brigand Alliance is currently allied with the following NPC's
Brigand Archer
Brigand Strong
Pirate Bartender
Pirate Boatswain
Pirate Captain
Pirate Captain Ghost
Pirate Digger
Pirate Ghost
Pirate Navigator
Pirate Quartermaster
Pirate Sailor
Undead Parrot
Undead Pirate Captain
Undead Pirate Sailor

Note: The pirates in the lost lands respect no man and wil ignore any alliance with pirates from the mainland.


Base TypeInfo
Primary TypeMisc
Sub Types
KeywordsGuild Alliance, Pirates, Brigands, Orcs, Undead

Related Links

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Tagged Images

Highslide JS
Guild_Alliances Header Image