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The Fire Horn is used by Bards to do Fire Damage to enemies.

They can be found on various Monsters.

The amount of the damage done depends on your barding skills. The higher the three bardings skills are, the more damage will be done.

One has to be rather close to the target as the range of the attack is only 3 tiles. When used there is a small delay until it can be used again and also there's a 16% chance that it will break. If used against another player the fire horn will do less damage than against a monster and it can be used while you are hiding.

Damage Formula:
  If Monster: total = prov + disc / 5 + peace / 5
  If Player: total = (prov + disc / 5 + peace / 5) / 3
  maxDamage = ( total * 2 ) / 30
  minDamage = ( maxDamage * 7 ) / 10

Staff Note: This item has not received a full review in line with the design goals of UO:Renaissance.


Base TypeItem
Primary TypeMisc_Item
Sub Types
KeywordsFire Horn

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

Related Links

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Tagged Images

Highslide JS
Fire_Horn Header Image