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20d 6h

Dragons are a wise and ancient race. They are terrible indeed in their anger, but they are neither cruel nor rapacious in their own nature. Any who says otherwise speaks not the truth. It is true that dragons, like all other creatures of free will, have the power to choose, and that some, succumbing to malice or madness, have descended in wrath on helpless humans, and been put down in consequence. When a man dies beneath a dragon's claws, however, it is far more often the case that he has succumbed to his own greed, and gone foolishly seeking to rob the dragon of his fabled hoard.

The blood of dragons is also coveted, for it is potent in the creation of magical spells.

The potent magicks intrinsic to the draconian physiology are amply shown in their ability to fly adroitly, though their weight is many hundred stone, and in their ability to belch forth mighty streams of consuming flame. No other creature is as terrible in war as the dragon.

Jointly, dragons dwell in caves and in dungeons (untroubled in their might by the evil creatures who may dwell therein also), and they guard their hoards and their eggs with all ferocity. Solitary beasts roam the surface, wherein they seek thier sustenance. Their natural lifespans are measured in millennia, and they never stop growing, so that the wisest and most ancient of dragons are also behemoths of vastness unequaled.


Damage16 - 22
Monster TypeMagic, Breath Attack
Strength796 - 825
Dexterity86 - 105
Intelligence436 - 475
Hit Points478 - 495
Taming Info
Minimum Taming93.9
Control SlotsN/A
Barding Info
Barding Difficulty112
w/ a GM Instrument101
w/ a Slayer Instrument90
Slayer Info
Dropped SlayerArachnid
Effective SlayerDragon Slaying
Effective Super SlayerReptilian Death
Base TypeCreature
Primary TypeReptiles
Sub Types

Spawn Locations

Covetous Level 5Spawn LocationComp Icon
Dungeon DestardSpawn LocationComp Icon
Terathan KeepSpawn LocationComp Icon
The Fire TempleSpawn LocationComp Icon
Town of WindSpawn LocationComp Icon

2018 Leaderboard

1st FattyMikes 2,595 Kills
1st Aphradity 1,221 Kills
1st Saragossa 1,160 Kills
1st Dirty Krampussss 1,116 Kills
1st Steve Jobs 1,107 Kills
1st Vas corp rel 1,072 Kills
1st Olivia 964 Kills
1st PETman 907 Kills
1st Zappa Phan 790 Kills
1st a new tambourine 679 Kills
2018 Kills 72,012

Lifetime Leaderboard

1st Z'Ha'Dum 14,937 Kills
1st Robin Redding 6,000 Kills
1st Shido 3,228 Kills
1st Roscoe Redding 2,892 Kills
1st ValoriVinyl 2,655 Kills
1st Milakunis 2,519 Kills
1st Private Parts 1,932 Kills
1st Million 1,857 Kills
1st a new tambourine 1,848 Kills
1st Goop 1,782 Kills
Lifetime Kills 328,222

Related Links

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Tagged Images

Highslide JS
Dragon Header Image
Highslide JS
Dragon Icon
Highslide JS
Dragon in Destard
Highslide JS
a Dragon in Wind
Highslide JS
A Dragon in the Fire Template