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The staff on Renaissance long age realized the importance of providing information and assistance with getting started here. However the default system in RunUO for counselors provided that role with way to many abusable powers. After extensive development we have created the following system that allows dedicated players to give back to the server by greeting new players, answering questions and responding to pages when a game master is not available.

This program was designed from the group up to make sure that abuse is not possible by removing any aspect of the job that could be abused. Counselors operate under a zero tolerance policy and one mistake or abuse of the rules will result in immediate removal from the program.

Base Requirements
   - You must be willing to donate some of your time each week to answering pages, and assisting new players
   Note: Applying for the program, then spending minimal time assisting new players will result in suspension from the program.
   - You must be fairly knowledgeable about the base UO Renaissance mechanics, in order to help new players get started.
   - Note: Spending 2-3 months playing on UOR is a loose requirement for joining the program.
   - You must be able to represent yourself in a professional manner.
   - Your playstyle must align with assisting new players.
   - Note: This means that we are not looking for players who primary play style is griefing, stealing, player killing or other aggressive activities. Having a thief, having a red character, or occasionally getting into a dispute ingame is acceptable. Recruiting players to assist a new player, only to rob them blind or kill them 20 minutes later, is obviously counter productive to a new player assistance program.

The Job Description
   - Monitor a special system designed to notify you of new player logins, and greet new players.
   - Note: This needs to be done every 30-60 minutes while you are logged into your counselor account.
   - Monitor any incoming pages and assist players when possible. Escalating any pages to game masters when neccessary.
   - Spend time with new player explaining how to adapt to our server by educating them on the differences between this server and their UO experience.
   - Assist the administrators with testing patches on the test server.
   - Assist the administrators with doing research on various issues

How to Apply
   - Contact Telamon via the forums or in IRC regarding your interest.

Below you will find some detailed information on how the program operates and what resources the counselors have access to.

The Counselor Menu

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New Player / Young Listing
Note: A general region location is given for each player that meets the criteria. Counselors cannot enter houses if a new player is in a house. They are also not permitted to greet players in dungeons as the player could be involved in a combat situation. (Unless it is a young player in an ocllo dungeon)

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The Travel Menu
These are the only places that a counselor is allowed to travel without a purpose (new player/page). Counselors are not allowed to idle in the outside world without a clear purpose.

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The Utility Menu
This menu provides counselors with the various commands they are allowed to use as part of their job.
   - They can hide and reveal themself. As access to the [hide command is disabled because it can be targeted.
   - They can unlock the gold of a new player (this is a targeted command for the player, not an item)
   - They can assign a player the young player flag if they are on the island of Ocllo and have time left.
   - They can see the client information of a connected player. (See details on this below)

Senior Counselors can also do the following.
   - Address a stuck player by sending them to the nearest town. Only to be used in rare situations.
   - Jail a player. Only to be used in situations of advertising/spamming when one of the gamemasters is not available.

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The Client Menu
This is a custom version of the client menu that counselors are given access to. With it they can do the following
   - View the clients version #. This is important for issues with stuck players using the wrong client.
   - Travel to the players location.      Note: This is only accessible for young and new players. The command cannot be used to teleport into a house or courtyard.
   - Flag the player as greeted.
   - View the account age and total skills of the player.
   - If the player is young they can also view, but not alter, their skills to help with training issues or skill cap questions.
   - Leave the player a message greeting welcoming them to the server.
Note: The Account Name, Location and IP Address are not sent to counselors.
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Note: This is a custom system developed for the Renaissance server. Nothing listed in this post is included with RunUO or was ever part of the OSI servers. Every action that a counselor takes is logged for review in the event that there is a question about their behavior.


Base TypeInfo
Primary TypeMisc
Sub TypesOperations
Keywordscounselors, staff

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Tagged Images

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Counselors Header Image
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