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Dark Magic Awakens - Challenge Event / WorldWide Event

Event Details
Type: Challenge Event / Worldwide Event
Calendar Duration: December 20th to January 2nd
Challenge Event Details
- This event will task the players with invading the dark elf fortress and find the cause of the curse plaguing the land.
- Players will be able to bring items and supplies.
- Players will be able to bring the mount they are riding into the event.
- Note: If you are not mounted or your pet is a ghost when the event ends, it is lost forever to the dark elves.
- Supplies will be consumed during the event.
- Armor will be damaged during the event.
- You will be automatically resurrected after a small delay during the event.
- No items will drop during the event if you die.
- There will be multiple progressive stages.
- Bard, Tamer, Hand to Hand Combat and Mage templates will be suitable for this event.
- Holiday coins can be earned by progressing through the event and from killing event related monsters.
- A Holiday bag will be awarded to each player who takes part in the event.
- Only one participant per IP address will be allowed.
- Time Duration: 30-35 Minutes
- Rounds: 14-16
Worldwide Event Details
- Players are advised to keep an eye on the town criers for details regarding the current world events.
- The event will take place in the dungeons, overworld and towns of the old world.
- Due to the inhospitable nature of the lost lands the elves have not been seen there.

Event Schedule
All times are in CST Server time.
December 21st 10pm cst (11pm est, 8pm pst)
December 22nd 5pm cst (6pm est, 3pm pst)
December 22nd 11pm cst (12pm est, 9pm pst)
December 23rd 9pm cst (10pm est, 7pm pst)
December 24th 1pm cst (2pm est, 8pm pst)
December 25th 2am cst (3am est, 12am pst)
December 25th 11pm cst (12am est, 9pm pst)
December 26th 5pm cst (6pm est, 3pm pst)
December 27th 3pm cst (4pm est, 1pm pst)
December 28th 12pm cst (1pm est, 10am pst)
December 29th 6pm cst (7pm est, 4pm pst) *Special Hard Mode Event
December 30th 10am cst (11am est, 8am pst)
December 31st 3pm cst (4pm est, 1pm pst)
January 2nd 4pm cst (5pm est, 2pm pst)
Event times are subject to change!

How it Works
- A detailed event schedule will be posted, this event will run 14-18 times depending on staff availability.
- You will have 15 minutes to sign up for the event.
- Once the event starts you are transported into the event area.
- Fight your way into the fortress and defeat the elves, finding help where you can.
- Players who participate in the event will find a gift bag awarded to them at the completion of the event.

Christmas 2013 Holiday Rewards
    Note: Rewards and prices are subject to change.
- Snow Balls - 5 Coins
- Christmas Tree Deed - 25 Coins
- Holiday Wreath Deed - 40 Coins
- White Poinsettia Plant - 50 Coins
- Potted Cactus Deed - 60 Coins
- Polar Bear Mask - 300 Coins
    Note: Comes in 2 Random Hues, 1150 (white), 1154(blue white)
- White Christmas Sandals - 500 Coins
    Note: Comes in 2 Random Hues, 1150 (white), 1154(blue white)
- Blue Christmas Sandals - 500 Coins
    Note: Comes in 2 Random Hues, 8 and 108
- Red Christmas Sandals - 500 Coins
    Note: Comes in 2 Random Hues, 33 and 133

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Base TypeEvent
Primary TypeHoliday
Sub TypesChristmas
KeywordsChristmas, Dark Magic, Event

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

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Christmas 2013 Event
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Christmas 2013 Event
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Christmas 2013 Event