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To Celebrate the first Christmas Holiday on the Renaissance server we have create a custom challenge event for our players.

During the holiday period players will be able to take part in several events.

Reindeer Hunt
- Players will be able to search the world looking for Reindeer and Santa's Elf Minions
- Each of these creatures have a chance to drop holiday coins that can be traded in for holiday rewards (see below)
- The Reindeer & Elves can be found in forests and dungeons of the land, however not always in the same place.

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Champion Style Event
- Ezekiel will be running a custom Holiday themed champion event over the holidays.
- Make sure to check the local town criers for news of the impending event.
Rise of the Reindeer Challenge Event
- This will be a challenge style event where players attempt to overcome a challenge to score points
- The event will run 14-18 times over the holiday period.
- The event will last approximately 30 minutes.
- You will not be able to take any items into the event, other than blessed or newbied items.
- Supplies will have to be scavenged in the event in order to defeat the Reindeer invasion.
- To learn more about the event, see below.

Rise of the Reindeer Challenge Event
How to Particpate
- Check the calendar here or listen for a worldwide event announcement while ingame.
- Once an event announcement has been made proceed to one of the event signup locations in towns across Britannia.
- Find the Holiday Event Signup book and double click it.
- Once you sign up for the event you will be taken to the event lobby where you can safely chat with your friends

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Note: If you leave this arena you will be removed from the event, if there is still time you can re-join.

During the Event
- Once the event begins you will be teleported into the event arena.
- In the starting zone various basic supplies can be found to get you started.
- Additional supplies can be found the monsters and hidden throughout the event.
- If you look hard enough special instruments and weapons can be found.
- Players are tasked with defeating the Reindeer minions in order to summon the master of the dungeon in order to end the Reindeer invasion.

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Scoring - Players will earn points for killing the monsters during the event
- The player who scores the most points will receive a special trophy and bonus holiday coins at the end of the event.
- Points are awarded to the player who does the most damage, either directly, by magic, using a summon, or controlling another monster.
- Points are awarded as follows.
    - The elves give you 1,3 or 5 points depending on difficulty
    - Reindeer give 10 points
    - Killing the boss of the dungeon gives you 25 points.
- At the end of the event each player is shown the final scoreboard for the event.

Holiday Rewards
- At the end of the event every player who participates in the event will receive a holiday gift bag containing holiday coins that can be spent at the holiday vendor (see below)
- Players can remain in the event safe zone for 5 minutes after the event, where a banker is provided.
- Players also can keep any items that are found during the event.
- Items you had on your pack when you signed up for the event will be neatly placed in your bank in a red bag.

Redeeming Your Holiday Coins
- To redeem your holiday coins simply look for the new Holiday Item vendor located at any bank in the land.
- These vendors will provide you with a special menu allowing you to pick a reward of your choosing.
- The holiday coins must be in your pack in order to purchase an item, so make sure you watch out for thieves.
- Note: The holiday vendors will hang around after the holidays allowing players the ability to spend their coins whenever they wish.

The Rewards
- Snow - 5 Coins
   Allows you to toss snowballs at anyone else carrying snow. (Blessed)
   Snow can also be found, very rarely on Reindeer wandering the land
- Christmas Tree Deed - 10 Coins
   Allows you to place a decorative Christmas tree in your house.
- Holiday Wreath Deed - 20 Coins
   Allows you to place a holiday wreath in your house, can be dyed
- Poinsettia Plant - 25 Coins
- Potted Plant Deed - 40 Coins
   When double clicked it will place 1 of 6 potted plants in your inventory. This is completely random. The deeds are blessed, however the plants are not
- Mounted Reindeer Decoration - 100 Coins
   This selection will provide you with a random colored mounted Reindeer for your house.
- Reindeer Masks - 200-250 Coins
   A special colored mask only available this holiday season.

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Base TypeEvent
Primary TypeHoliday
Sub TypesChristmas
KeywordsChristmas, Reindeer, Event

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

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Tagged Images

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