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20d 6h

Bull frogs small creatures that tend to live in or near water and eat the insects that thrive in such areas. They are often found in temperate or tropical climates. Bull frogs were unknown in Britannia until the discovery of the Lost Lands, when many new and exotic species were seen for the first time. They are neither intimidating nor aggressive and pose virtually no threat. Fairy tales of frogs turning into princes when a women kisses them have spread far and wide since the the discovery of the critters. Thus far, no such tale has been substantiated, though, anything is possible...

Bull frogs do provide meat and and their leathery skin can be harvested, however, their small size means that very few resources can be acquired from a single individual. As such, these creatures are all but ignored by most people.

- Melochabre the Wise


Damage1 - 2
Monster TypeMelee
Strength46 - 70
Dexterity6 - 25
Intelligence11 - 20
Hit Points28 - 42
Taming Info
Minimum Taming23.1
Control Slots1
Barding Info
Barding Difficulty21
w/ a GM Instrument19
w/ a Slayer Instrument17
Slayer Info
Dropped Slayer
Effective Slayer
Effective Super Slayer
Base TypeCreature
Primary TypeAnimals
Sub TypesMisc_Animals
KeywordsBull Frog

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

2018 Leaderboard

1st Copp K Tamer 286 Kills
1st Jayro 164 Kills
1st Keza Fire 112 Kills
1st Baldur 85 Kills
1st Gendalf 65 Kills
1st Iagopeppe 64 Kills
1st Nostra 62 Kills
1st Keza 41 Kills
1st Myra Ck 35 Kills
1st Foxy Roxy 34 Kills
2018 Kills 3,941

Lifetime Leaderboard

1st ValoriVinyl 690 Kills
1st Finley Firelight 675 Kills
1st Hagan Stonewell 495 Kills
1st 451 Kills
1st buscaiol de figa 289 Kills
1st Jason 127 Kills
1st Fire Feather 104 Kills
1st Kylie Lutz 94 Kills
1st DOC 87 Kills
1st Candrian 76 Kills
Lifetime Kills 21,875

Related Links

No related links on file

Tagged Images

Highslide JS
BullFrog Header Image
Highslide JS
BullFrog Icon