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Bulls are one half of the domesticated bovines inhabiting Britannia; their counterparts being cows. They are the males and frequently found in pens or set out to pasture in order to fatten up for slaughter.Though, they can occasionally be found in the wild near cows. While not particularly threatening, they are large and can easily overwhelm unskilled combatants. Bulls will not attack unless provoked. Bulls are bred and slaughtered for their hides and meat. Their large size makes them an excellent source for leather and meat. Bulls can be tamed by expert animal tamers.

The Moonglow zookeeper has recently learned of the existence of a bull that is a rusty red color and acts extremely aggressively. He has offered a reward for the live capture of this bloodthirsty bull, though, extreme caution should be exercised when attempting to capture it.

- Melochabre the Wise


Damage4 - 9
Monster TypeMelee
Strength77 - 111
Dexterity56 - 75
Intelligence47 - 75
Hit Points50 - 64
Taming Info
Minimum Taming71.1
Control Slots1
Barding Info
Barding Difficulty30
w/ a GM Instrument27
w/ a Slayer Instrument24
Slayer Info
Dropped Slayer
Effective Slayer
Effective Super Slayer
Base TypeCreature
Primary TypeAnimals
Sub TypesCows

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

2018 Leaderboard

1st Kenshy 797 Kills
1st HeelHook 742 Kills
1st Wildlife 717 Kills
1st Snow Bird 716 Kills
1st Capt CaveMan 660 Kills
1st Lenny Pepperbotm 647 Kills
1st Hellhound 617 Kills
1st Doc Tor 592 Kills
1st Robyn of Locksly 585 Kills
1st Breaking The Law 566 Kills
2018 Kills 68,511

Lifetime Leaderboard

1st 2,960 Kills
1st Jason 1,897 Kills
1st Victor 1,804 Kills
1st Southland 1,776 Kills
1st DOC 1,602 Kills
1st Zola 1,582 Kills
1st cutter 1,459 Kills
1st Roscoe Redding 1,409 Kills
1st Wyrand 1,365 Kills
1st Exorcist 1,340 Kills
Lifetime Kills 343,345

Related Links

No related links on file

Tagged Images

Highslide JS
Bull Header Image
Highslide JS
Bull Icon