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52d 13h

There are 3 board games; Backgammon, Checkers, and Chess. Double clicking them will open up their respective game boards, which have freely movable pieces which are saved where you place them in the event that you close the board before the game is over.

Game boards can be locked down or secured inside of a house you either own or are co-owned to, and carry the same security functionality of containers. This means you can secure them to friends, co-owners, or owner only levels of access. These are currently not available for purchase at provisioners shops due to an item count irregularity, but can be obtained by paging a gamemaster.

- Article by Elhorno


Base TypeItem
Primary TypeMisc_Item
Sub Types
KeywordsCheckers, Chess, Backgammon, Board Games

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

Related Links

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Tagged Images

Highslide JS
BoardGames Header Image
Highslide JS
Board Games