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51d 16h

Double-click on a smith's hammer or tongs while in the vicinity of a forge and anvil.A window will open displaying the types of armor and weapons you can make (based on your skill and your current supply of metal). Select the item you wish to make, and if you're successful an item of that type is created.

Select the anvil icon in the selector window to attempt to repair a metal item, then click on the item you wish to repair (note that on a botched repair attempt, it is actually possible to damage the item further, or even destroy it completely). Some metal is lost every time an item is reforged, so you cannot keep reforging the same item into something else and back again.

Gideon's Advice: Blacksmithing is extremely expensive to raise. If you are just starting out, I would advise you to not think of Blacksmithing as a beginning way to make money but rather an end goal. GMing blacksmithing will take ~50k ingots.

Gideon's Experience:
- 55.0 shown - 73.0 shown (70.1 real) = 10,500 ingots (Katanas) 52.2 per .1
- 73.0 shown - 80.0 shown (77.8 real) = 6,500 ingots (Katanas) 84.4 per .1
- 80.0 shown - 86.5 shown (85.1 real) = 7,500 Ingots (Plate Gorgets) 102.7 per .1
- 86.5 shown - 90.0 shown (88.9 real) = 5,000 ingots (Plate Gorgets) 131.6 per .1
- 90.0 shown - 94.6 shown (94.0 real) = 7,000 ingots (Plate Gorgets) 137.3 per .1
- 94.6 shown - 96.1 shown (95.7 real) = 5,000 ingots (Plate Gorgets) 294.1 per .1
- 96.1 shown - Grandmaster = 13,000 ingots (Plate Gorgets) = 302.3 per .1

Dalavars Method
- 55 --> 72 kryss or cutlass
- 72 --> 90 short spear
- 90 -->100 plate gorget

Garrions Recommendation
- 50 - 55: Maul
- 55 - 65: Cutlass
- 65 - 70: Scimitar
- 70 - 72: Broadsword
- 72 - 81: Kryss
- 81 - 83: Katana
- 83 - 93: Short Spear
- 93 - 98: Spear
- 98 - GM: Plate Gloves

Captain Morgans Recommendation
- Displayed skill Item to make
- 0 - 30 NPC trained - 30 - 45 Mace
- 45 - 53 Maul
- 53 - 70 Kryss
- 70 - 86 Short Spear
- 86 - 95 Platemail Gorget
- 95 - GM Platemail Gloves


Grandmaster TitleBlacksmith
Starting ItemsHalf Apron (brown), random blacksmithing tool
Skill Gain Info
Skill Gain Chance90%
Str Stat Gain Chance10%
Dex Stat Gain Chance0%
Int Stat Gain Chance0%

Related Links

Blacksmithing Guideby Fooka
Blacksmithing Guideby CaptainMorgan

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Blacksmithy Header Image