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0d 20h

A the hour beyond memory set th' wind at me sails. Once a jim laddie wit' dreams 'o th' ocean, turned scurvy pirate 'o th' savage seven seas, 'tis Lord Dalgrim fancies himself a deity amongst sailors. A mighty fleet he had set ahead to seek out more treasure, returned naught but stain'd paper wit' scribble no more worth readin than all th' books he'd burned b'fore. No doubts calls fer help a scribbled by a scallywag callin h'self cap'n! Nay, th' treasure be not worth me the hour so I toss'em in th' waters from whence they come!
Players with 100 fishing have a small chance to fish up an ancient SOS from a sunken pirate ship.

There are 4 different Ancient SOS's that can be found.

Each of these SOS's will lead the players to a pirate hideout previously unknown to the citizens of Britannia.

When used these rare scrolls will open a mystical gate to these locations.

Brave players can proceed through these games to explore these new areas and attempt to survive and possibly even defeat the challenges they find within each.

Renaissance Ancient MIB Guide

Entering the Captains Quarters
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The Crows nest and Mess Hall
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Cannons and Powder Room
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Slowly Flooding Crew Cabins
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Some sort of flooded laboratory of the dark arts
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A bloody summoning room
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A bloody summoning room
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The Ships treasure room
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Pirate Ship Monsters


Pirate Sailor, Pirate Boatswain, Pirate Navigator, Pirate Quartermaster, Pirate Ghost, Undead Parrot, Undead Pirate Sailor

Mini Bosses

Pirate Bartender, Pirate Digger


Pirate Captain Ghost


Base TypeItem
Primary TypeFishing
Sub TypesAncientMIB
KeywordsMIB, AMIB, Ancient, Fishing, Pirate Ship

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

Tagged Images

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Ancient_Message_in_a_Bottle_Green Header Image
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