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Banker / Minter

balance / banco / statement

Will cause the banker to tell you the amount of gold in your bank box (excluding bank checks)

check (amount)

Will command the banker to issue a bank check in the indicated amount (5,000 to 1,000,000 gold)

withdraw (amount)

Will command the banker to add the indicated amount of gold to your backpack.

Barkeep / Towncrier


The barkeep will give a scenario hint, just like a town crier.
See the compendium article on Barkeeps on how to setup rumors.

Boats / General

left, right, forward, back, forward left, forward right, back left, back right

Ship will move in the desired direction

left one, right one, forward one, back one, forward left one, forward right one, back left one, back right one

Ship will move in the desired direction one time.


Stops the current movement of the ship.

drop anchor / raise anchor

Raises or Lowers the ships anchor allowing the ship to be drydocked.

left slow, right slow, forward slow, back slow, forward left slow, forward right slow, back left slow, back right slow

Moves the ship slowly in that direction.

turn right, turn left, turn around

Makes the boat make the indicated turn if there is enough room.

Boats / Tillerman - Boat Navigation by Map


Resumes the plotted course after stop.


Stops the current movement of the ship.

Goto (#)

Sails directly to pin # on map, then continue on remainder of plotted course.


Asks tillerman which pin # you are heading to on map.

Single (#)

Sail directly to pin # on map, then stop.

Single (#)

Start along the charted course and continue untul finished or stopped.

Faction Commands

I am Sheriff

This command allows the Faction Sheriff to perform his official duties, such as hiring faction guards.

I honor your leadership

If the giver has 10 or more kill points, this will transfer kill points from one faction player to another in the same faction. Giver will lose 5 kill points, receiver will gain 4 kill points. One point is lost in the transfer.

I wish to access the city treasury

The faction Finance Minister is able to access the town finance options by speaking this out loud.

Message faction

The faction Finance Commander is can send a message to all online members in his faction. There is a limit of one message per hour.

Orders - Attack (faction)

When said in sequence to a faction guard, the guard will attack members of the named faction on sight.

Orders - Follow

When said in sequence to a faction guard, the guard will follow the faction member and thus protect him.

Orders - Ignore (faction)

When said in sequence to a faction guard, the guard will ignore members of the named faction

Orders - Patrol

When said in sequence to a faction guard, the guard will patrol the area he is in at that moment.

Orders - Warn (faction)

When said in sequence to a faction guard, the guard will warn when members of named faction are around.

You are fired

When said by the Faction Commander to a faction guard, this command will dismiss the NPC.

Guild Commands


Any text entered after the forward slash will be sent to all online guild members.

I resign from my guild

Will remove you from your current guild. This can be used anywhere.

Hireling / Pet / Follower Commands

(All)/(Name) follow me

Commands all your pets, or the specific pet to follow you.

(Name) drop

Commands the specific pet to drop what it is holding.

(Name) friend

Commands the specific pet to obey the commands of another.

(Name) guard / me

Commands the specific pet to guard its master.

(All) guard / (All) guard me

Commands all your pets to guard their master.

(Name) kill

Commands the specific pet attack the target.

(All) kill

Commands all your pets to attack the specific target.

(Name) stay

Commands the specific pet to stay at the current location.

(All) stay

Commands all your pets to stay at the current location.

(Name) stop

Commands the specified pet to cease current actions and be at ease.

(All) stop

Commands all your pets to cease current actions and be at ease.

(Name) transfer

Initiates a trade of the named pet with the targeted player.

(Name) release / (Name) dismiss

Will release the named pet after a confirmation check

Hireling / Escort / Prisoner Commands

(Name) hire / (Name) mercenary / (Name) servant / (Name) work

Will cause a hireling to respond with how much it will cost to hire him/her.

(Name) move

Will cause a hireling to move to a new location.

I will take thee

Will inform an escortable or prisoner that you will take them to their destination.


Will cause an escortable or prisoner to indicate where they wish to travel.

(name) release / (name) dismiss

Will give you a prompt allowing you to dismiss your follower

House Commands

I ban thee

Friends, co-owners and owners of a house can issue this command.
It will bring up a targeting cursor to ban and eject someone.
Friends, co-owners and owners cannot be banned.
By doing this, the person banned will be added to the banned list that is accessible from the house sign menu.

Remove thyself

Friends, co-owners and owners of a house can issue this command.
It will bring up a targeting cursor to eject someone.
Friends and owners cannot be ejected. The targeted individual will be sent outside the house, 3 tiles from the door.

I wish to lock this down

Locks an item down in your house. Only the owner and co-owners can issue this command.

I wish to release this

Removes lockdown and/or secure status on an item. Only the owner and co-owners can issue this command.

I wish to secure this

Locks down a container in your house and makes it secure. Only the owner and co-owners can issue this command.
The user can also choose the level of security on it.

I wish to place a trash barrel

Will place a trash barrel inside a house, at the position where you are standing.
Only the owner or co-owner can issue this command. Owners, co-owners and friends can put trash in the barrel.
After 3 minutes the trash will be deleted.

Misc Commands


Will activate the Serpent Pillars in the sea in Britannia and teleport you to the sea in the Lost Lands.


Will activate the Serpent Pillars in the sea in the Lost Lands and teleport you to the sea in Britannia.


Will activate the teleporter in the north mage shop in Moonglow and teleport you to the mage shop in Papua.


Will activate the teleporter in the mage shop in Papua and teleport you to the north mage shop in Moonglow.

I would like to cross / cross

This will tell the Skara Brae ferryman to take you across the water to the mainland, or back.

I must consider my sins

This command will indicate the amount of players you have killed and if resurrecting will result in stat loss.

NPC / Vendors / Guildmasters

(name) buy

Will show you any goods the vendor has for sale.

(name) sell

Will present you with a list of items you are carrying that the vendor will purchase.

(name) join

Can be used with NPC guildmasters. They will respond with the amount of money you have to pay them to join that guild. Right after that just drop the money on the NPC to join.

(name) quit / (vendor name) resign

Can be used with NPC guildmasters. This will remove you from an NPC guild.

(name) time

The NPC will give you the current server time.

(name) move

The NPC will move to a nearby tile.

(name) train

The NPC will provide you with a list of skills that they can train you in.
If you cannot learn anything additional in this skill, or do not meet the requirements the skill will not be listed.

(name) train (skill)

The NPC will indicate the amount of gold they can accept to train you in the indicated skill.

Player Vendors

Vendor Buy / Vendor Purchase

Will bring up a targeting cursor to allow you to select an item to purchase from a player vendor.

(name) browse / (name) view / (name) look

Will open the backpack of the vendor so you can browse their goods.

(name) collect/ (name) gold / (name) get

Will prompt the vendor to offer to provide you with funds from your sales.

(name) Dismiss / (name) Replace

Will command the vendor to crease operations and return you his contact of work.
THis command only works if the vendor is empty and all his gold is collected.
The vendors name and payments remaining will be indicated on the contract.

(name) status / (name) info

Will provide you with information about a vendor you own. Simliar to double clicking on the vendor.

Stablemaster / Animal Trainer

Retrieve / Claim

Will claim all of the pet(s) the stablemaster has stabled with him.

Retrieve (pet name)/ Claim (pet name)

Will retrieve the specific pet from the stablemaster.

Claim List

Will show you a list of the pets you currently have stabled.

Stable / Stall

Will give you a target cursor allowing you to stable a pet.


Base TypeInfo
Primary TypeCommands
Sub Types
KeywordsCommands, Housing, House, Faction

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