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rss The Renaissance Compendium - Dungeons


The Dungeon of Hell

Renaissance World Map

Hythloth is one of the seven Anti-Virtue Dungeons. Its opposing virtue is Spirituality. The Hythloth Dungeon lies far away from the mainland of Britannia, on the Isle of Fire. It can only be reached by boat or travelling spell. The entrance is located on the northeastern tip of the Isle of Fire by the big mountain. It may be important to know that you can find the Shrine of Humility just a short walk northwest from the dungeon entrance in the jungle.

Hythloth is one of the most dangerous dungeons in Britannia. In the first levels you will find Gargoyles, Hell Hounds, Gazers, Daemons and the annoying Imps. In level 3 and 4 there lives a Balron, an extremely fast moving and dangerous creature from hell. It will kill an armed person with two hits and cast poison spells on any intruder. The Balron is said to be one of the most dangerous creatures living in Sosoria, together with the Ancient Wyrm. Visiting the lowest levels of Hythloth is one of the biggest challenges for any adventurer.
Hythloth Shame Map

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