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Poison Potions, crafted with the reagent Nightshade, are used by those skilled in the art of Poisoning (link to skill) to apply doses of poison to single-handed bladed weapons or food items.

Poison can also be consumed directly by double clicking the potion bottle. This will poison your character and potentially kill you if not cured quickly enough. While there is no delay on consumption of poison, there is a 10 second delay when applying poison with the skill Poisoning.

Lesser Poison: (1 Nightshade)
Target loses approximately %3 health every 15 seconds, when successfully applied

Poison: (2 Nightshade)
Target loses approximately %4 health every 10 seconds, when successfully applied

Greater Poison: (4 Nightshade)
Target loses approximately %7 health every 10 seconds, when successfully applied

Deadly Poison: (8 Nightshade)
Target loses approximately %13 health every 10 seconds, when successfully applied


Base TypeItem
Primary TypeAlchemy
Sub Types
KeywordsPoison Potion

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

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Poison_Potion Header Image