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Cure Potions, crafted with the reagent Garlic, provide the user the ability to cure poisons of various levels, depending on the quality of the potion.

There is no re-use delay for cure potions of any level. You cannot consume a cure potion if you are not poisoned. Some poison applications will require multiple cure potions, or spell casts, to negate.

Lesser Cure Potions have the following chances to cure poison: (1 Garlic to craft)
5% chance to cure Lethal Poison (applied by monsters only)
10% chance to cure Deadly Poison (highest level applicable by players)
15% chance to cure Greater Poison
35% chance to cure Standard Poison
100% chance to cure Lesser Poison

Cure Potions have the following chances to cure poison: (3 Garlic to craft)
15% chance to cure Lethal Poison (applied by monsters only)
25% chance to cure Deadly Poison (highest level applicable by players)
45% chance to cure Greater Poison
95% chance to cure Standard Poison
100% chance to cure Lesser Poison

Greater Cure Potions have the following chances to cure poison: (6 Garlic to craft)
25% chance to cure Lethal Poison (applied by monsters only)
45% chance to cure Deadly Poison (highest level applicable by players)
75% chance to cure Greater Poison
100% chance to cure Standard and Lesser Poison


Base TypeItem
Primary TypeAlchemy
Sub Types
KeywordsCure Potion

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

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Cure_Potion Header Image