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Yewseful Thyngs by Azoth

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, its that time of year again when we can have fun looking at everyones creative home decor.

We would like to begin with our little shop, Yewseful Thyngs, which some of you have already visited.

Here is a shot of the Ground Floor, with Amado and Lily standing on the threshold and Adrop proudly showing you around. It is a cosy place, with friends occasionally dropping by for a chat or game of checkers. As with all our places, we like things colourful, so we have kept our eyes peeled for items like anniversary mugs and dyed chests and those two paintings of lovely ladies on the back wall.

Ultima Online House Decor

Clambering up the ladder - which isn't all that easy to do on a frisky ostard who's decided he wanted to drink from the bucket of water perched on the barrel below - let's now show you the tiny little middle room where Adrop stores a few things and enjoys the occasional game of cards.

Ultima Online House Decor

And finally, let's climb up to the roof, where some of you will recognise Valrick's Chair, our special thanks to @Valrick for helping us with lock-downs after a vandal destroyed furniture downstairs. We love the view from the roof but it can be a bit windy. We first put up some tapestries as a bit of shelter, but they blew around so much that we added the shields to hold them down. It seems to have worked, but you can see the brazier is still flickering around in the breeze:

Okay, its not Christmas, but we love the colourful tree there at the front with all its baubles, plus it gives a bit of shade for the green pegasus (which sometimes comes alive at night and flies around Yew). The roof is a pleasant space to go for a bit of a read, to rest among the plants and odd bits and pieces on the sandstone tables. Yewseful Thyngs is a public place and you are always welcome to come look inside. We hope you have enjoyed the short tour and look forward to meeting you when you visit. Thanks for looking :)


Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2016
Sub TypesSmallHouse
KeywordsDecor, Azoth

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