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2 Story Villa by Halabinder

Hello UO:R!

After much deliberation, I have decided to enter my house for the Best Medium Size house category. I would like to convey that I am doing this to showcase my house decorator's work more than in hopes of winning any prizes and I will take no credit for the artistic genius behind the decoration concept.

This is how things unfolded in short:

Halabinder returns to UOR after a 2 year break from UO all together. Halabinder starts looking for a house to live. He reads a post by someone offering to decorate a house her friend is selling. He takes her up on the offer.

Paraphrased conversation:

Xeg - So what kind of decoration do you like? Hala - I dunno... I don't decorate houses I put containers down and throw stuff in them! I smoke a lot of weed. Xeg - Ok no problem I gotcha.

...and she made me a grow-op disguised as a bakery.

Downstairs we have some specialty flavored smores on the fireplace. A lava lamp to stare at when you're under the influence, and hell even a chess board in case I ever find that darn Wizard who keeps beating me at chess. There are bean bag chairs to rest on around the fire place and of course there are plants in different stages of growth around the property.

Ultima Online House Decor

Upstairs we have my office and the balcony. Not a whole lot to see but the view from the balcony is great. There is some money from *cough* brownie sales and the stuff that fell out of the aquarium that was in the corner. Still haven't had a chance to clean that stuff up!

Ultima Online House Decor

A very very special thank you to @Xegugg for decorating my house and making returning to UOR so much smoother.

Thank you to Renaissance Staff for the event.

And thank you for everyone's time who browses this post!

Added a night shot for a better lava lamp effect ;)

Ultima Online House Decor

Ultima Online House Decor


Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2016
Sub TypesMediumHouse
KeywordsDecor, Halabinder

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