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Horses Forge by Azoth

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Abramelin and Horse are pleased to invite you for a quick tour around their villa. Horse was a bit upset that his fort was renamed The Trammel Library and Museum, so Azoth had a chat with his neighbour and bought the villa that is squeezed in next door, which is now known as Horses Forge. Here are the two happy friends at the entrance, with its roses in pots on some barrels for a rustic effect, with a potted plant and some trees flanking the entrance, and those cheerful-looking red wreaths on the wall. Its a decent place for miners to rest after a busy day dancing tango with the golems and ore elementals:

Ultima Online House Decor

Please wipe your feet (or hooves) and come inside. As you can see, it's a fully working forge, with anvils being busily banged and ingots waiting to be worked, but as usual we like some colour, so the vestibule has a few more flowers, a welcoming fiery red rug and a red table in the workroom.

Ultima Online House Decor

As for upstairs, well it's pretty comfortable as a place to rest, with rugs on the floor and chairs and tables where friends can relax, have a drink, catch up on the news, or just play a game of cards, or checkers on the balcony.

Ultima Online House Decor

Abramelin and Horse hope you've enjoyed your tour and wish you lots of fun looking at all the entries in the decor contest. Thanks for looking!! :)


Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2016
Sub TypesMediumHouse
KeywordsDecor, Azoth

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