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52d 17h

Large Tower by Bart Simpson

Ultima Online House Decor

My awesome Trinsic Tower entryway. Players are greeted with dancing mongbat statues as they cross a personal bridge approaching Trinsic. Please wipe your feet before entering!

Ultima Online House Decor

The Living Room boasts a plush couch, coffee table potato included @wylwrk , a grand fire place and a guest book for guests to sign. The backroom is a hidden sweat shop where knock off Trammel clothing is produced. The side room is basic storage and the nook is my blacksmithy corner.

Ultima Online House Decor

Moving upstairs we are greeting by my office, showing off the finest books in the land. Be sure to find copies at your local library! The main room on this floor is dedicated to PvP stocking and such.

Ultima Online House Decor

Moving upstaris, we are greeted by my trophy collection. In the southern room through the hidden door is my bedroom. The bed is fully functional. Through the bedroom is my glorious walk in closet. This closet serves as my weapon and armor storage.

Ultima Online House Decor

Ahh fianlly the roof of my tower! The theme of the roof is (The Defense of Trinsic) as I am so close to the Trinsic wall. There is much to talk about so please stay with me. I apoligize but I lied about downstairs being my trophy collection. As you can see, THIS is my trophy collection. In the center you will see my gaming/drinking table. The western wing boasts my special weapon and spellbook collection. The center piece of my tower roof is what I am most proud of. A collection of EVERY SINGLE golem and golem lord statue is present. (valorite doesnt exist yet) Located on the valorite perch is a rare sword encased in crystal to slay the inevitable onslaught of Trinsic.

Ultima Online House Decor

Finally is the eastern wing of my home. A cannon sits powerfully, ready to jump into action if an attack is to commence. You can sit comfortably on bone benches as you play lovely music with #Renaissance anniversary bells. Feel free to munch on my birthday cakes as well. ;) I hope you enjoyed my home. Please feel free to stop by anytime for an in person tour.


Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2016
Sub TypesLargeHouse
KeywordsDecor, Bart Simpson

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