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52d 13h

The Trammel Aquarium by Azoth

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Librarian has been busy developing an annex for the Trammel Library and Museum. He has tried to take heed of @wylwrks challenge for home decoration that does not use as many rares. Of course the Librarian could not resist using a few and you will see some dyed furniture, but less technicolor than at the Trammel Library (though he doubts he'll win wylwrks approval). Welcome, then, to the Trammel Aquarium!

Here is the Librarian in his new purple costume standing at the Entrance.

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Climb the (temporarily invisible) steps and come inside!

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We couldnt resist some blue furniture ... it is the Trammel Aquarium, after all, with some ship models and spyglasses (thanks @Hydrox) stacked on the shelves, plus some skull mugs for the more piratical visitors!

Lets climb the stairs and see what is on the next floor. The Librarian isn't as fit as he could be, so he will catch his breath in the waiting room before showing you the Trammel Library annex, the Fishy Tales Memorial Library.

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Here he is looking totally at home in his Library of Fishy Facts. It's not as bright, but the books are well stacked and he even has three on display, one written by himself, Adventures in Books, another by Azoth, Thoughts from Caves, and the third by Abramelin (with quite a lot of help from Horse), Hunting Rares. The Librarian's also pleased with the display of wands, which he's not noticed in any other archive.

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So, take a deep breath and lets climb another flight of stairs, to the Apothecary. So many people come out of the passageway to T2A with cuts and bruises that we decided we should have a good stock of reagents and potions for anyone in need of a bit of some TLC.

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And, last but not least, here is the roof ... yes, very colourful (sorry, wylwrk), but something anyone can create with very limited resources: aquariums filled with fish and plants caught by fishermen with their fishing rods and nets.

Unique Design Element: The Roof-top Aquarium

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We hope you enjoy the peace and quiet of the fish swimming around in the tanks, or the tranquil pond in the corner.

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Thank you for visiting the Librarians new project. We hope that you have enjoyed the rooms, maybe seen one or two new ideas and go away with inspiration for your own creations. All best wishes, Librarian, Azoth, Abramelin and Horse.

* The Trammel Aquarium & Fishy Tales Memorial Library was created in fond memory of that enthusiastic fisherman, our good friend ReZon *


Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2016
Sub TypesLargeHouse
KeywordsDecor, Azoth

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