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House Jura - By GideonJura

Video Tour With Sound!

Ultima Online House Decor

Cemetery and Trophy Collection

Some members of team Jura are showing off the bridged large tower which hosts the cemetery and a large selection of event trophies collected over the last 4 years. If you are curious about different events that have happened in the past, feel free to stop by and look through them - they go in order from 2012 at the bottom right to 2016 at the top left.?

Ultima Online House Decor

Mausoleum and Chess Set

Gideon and some more members showing off the roof. This portion is something that took a very long time to put together. The chess set was an endeavour that took most of 2014. The catwalk went through several design variations over the years but is finally complete. The large statues and fountain took most of 2016 to complete. Need to send out a huge thank you to Dalavar, ReZon, Treasureman, and Lyta for the large statues displayed here.

Ultima Online House Decor

Catwalk and Holiday Collection

This is the Jura Secondary Tamer Squad showing off the rest of the catwalk and the holiday collection. The large statue was obtained from a 4th place finish in the 1st Anniversary Scavenger Hunt. The displays show various rewards from Valentine's Day, Easter, 4th of July, Anniversary, and Christmas. The J Chests are my secure storage and drop off - looking much nicer since the upgrade to AMIB chests!

Ultima Online House Decor

Pre-Patched Dyed Sandal Collection

BOD slaves and fisherwomen squad - these ladies have earned a much needed vacation from a long year at sea. This collection is every hue that was available using leather dye tubs on sandals when the server launched. These were a gift to the 555 Foundation by Frenulum and Co. They are arranged according to how they appeared in the various menus at the time.

Ultima Online House Decor

Halloween Collection

The Dexxer Squad! My favorite characters showcasing my favorite event! Here you'll find a huge selection of collectibles from the last four years of Halloween events. The large statue was obtained from a first place finish in the 2nd Anniversary Scavenger Hunt.

Ultima Online House Decor


Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2016
Sub TypesMassiveHouse
KeywordsDecor, GideonJura

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