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The Trammel Library and Museum by Azoth

Ladies and Gentlemen, Damsels and Knights, Fillies and Stallions, Welcome to the Trammel Library & Museum, which enjoys generous support from the community, especially from two major Patrons, ReZon and Markos. We hope you enjoy the tour :)

Let's begin with a shot of Abramelin and Horse in the Whispering Rose Gallery above the Outer Entrance. The Trammel Library loves its colourful objects and here you see not just the beautiful roses in their grow-bags, but also some of those eye-catching special fishing nets, the two pegasus trophies and ReZon and Azoth's birthday cakes (don't forget to ask Telamon for one when it's your birthday!)

Now the Librarian would like to welcome you at the Inner Entrance:

One day we'd like to get a water-filled moat here, but for the moment we've created our own bridge and hay-field for Horse. While Abramelin was busy lugging dirt and seeds around for the hay-field, somehow some other seeds dropped and now we have roses growing in the dirt on the threshold. We added a few other potted plants to make it a welcoming entry-way.

Okay, time, as some friends have said, to put on your shades :cool: as things get a bit bright inside. Here's the Vestibule, with the treasure chests stacked up, most with clutter, but some storing volumes of books. Please sign your name in the red visitors' book on the left and then walk between the two guardian bunnies :p who are far more fierce than anything else in the building (except the Librarian, of course, if you spill coffee or wine on his books).

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On the far left you see the Divination Room where the Librarian ponders the secrets of the universe, sitting comfortably by the log fire :) On the far right you'll find the Librarian's Office with various objects he's puzzling over: the secret powers of rock fragments, the luckiness of rabbit's feet, if wearing Santa's glasses can help you see elves, and other such important questions.

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Centre-Left is a particularly pirate-themed part of the Library, with the spyglass, dread pirate hat and blue pirate map. Centre-Right you can see the Tapestry of Sosaria, various gift-boxes holding treasures and our prized Elvish Tome.

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Now time to show you round the left side of the ground floor. First we'll show you the Treasury and the Larder.

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Now the Trammel Wine Cellar and the Armoury

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And for those, like Abramelin, who enjoy their wine a little too much at times, here's where he ends up when he needs to sober up, the Lock-Up! On the other side of the Entrance you'll find the Guard Room, where they seem to spend most of the time playing checkers or cards :)

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Now let's hop round to the right side of the building, where our busy-bees get some zZzZs. We'll leave it to you to guess which bedroom belongs to which toon!

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So, what's upstairs, you ask? Lets take a look, beginning with the left side of the building. Directly upstairs from the Divination Room we reach the Art Room, where Horse has been busy painting and Abramelin tries his hand at counterfeiting trophies :D If you climb up the ladder onto the roof you'll reach the Mining Platform. Abramelin would never get his hands dirty, but you'll sometimes find Azoth banging away with picks and digging with shovels.

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If you go back down the ladder and pass through the Art Room, you'll meet The Kids, i.e. the Monster Statue Gallery

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Once you've enjoyed their enthusiastic consideration of you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you can dash into the Tannery, where you'll find furs drying downstairs and hides tanning on the roof.

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Okay, that's all on the left side of the building, so let's go see what's on the right.

First we have the Carpenter's Workshop, to repair all those broken chairs and make the ever useful barrels. On the roof you'll find the Wash-N-Dye Area, for all those colourful clothes.

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Of course we wouldn't have all that colour without a small Tailor's Workshop, where you can weave, spin and sew while listening to music drifting down from the Music Room above, where you can see various bells, a rare flute, and other beautiful-sounding instruments.

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By now you're probably pretty tired after seeing so much hard work, so you might like to rest and relax in the Yoga & Meditation Area. If that's not quite your thing, we always have the Social Room next door:

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Now for the main room on this floor, which we've divided into two: on the right the Master Bedroom, with a few clothes scattered around and a few colourful chests and armoires

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And on the left the Mad Professor's pride and joy, his Alchemy Laboratory & Anatomy Theatre:

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We're not all that great with gifs, but here's the best we can do to give you a sense of the braziers in action:

And here are a couple of close-ups:

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As it's pretty hot in here with all those flasks and furnaces brewing, boiling and bubbling away, let's catch a breath of air on the roof

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Here is a slightly odd mixture of the Smithy (though most of that work really takes place nowadays at Horse's Forge, the villa next door). We do kep a few of the more treasured weapons up here, for a bit of inspiration. The far quieter whittling and carving of the Fletcher & Bowyer takes place in front, in the shade of the potted trees.

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As this can all be pretty tiring, on the right we have an area for relaxation and contemplation. Weve created a Mausoleum-Necropolis, in memory of friends like ReZon, Markos and Valmour who have moved on to other things:

And as a final image of the roof, here's something slightly more cheerful, almost hidden by the trees and cairns of rocks, our Roof-top Pond

Thank you for your attention and we hope that you've enjoyed the tour of the Trammel Library and Museum.
Thank you, too, to all the friends who have made this possible!!
Here's the Librarian saying goodbye and wishing you well. Until the next visit!! :)


Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2016
Sub TypesMassiveHouse
KeywordsDecor, Azoth

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