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Xegugg's Entry into the Summer 2015 House Decor Contest
1st Place Award

Massive House Entry

Most Unique Design Element : A Theme, Prostitutes, Pillows, Beaded door, Novelties, Pentagrams, Each room is unique. Use of imagination to create this composition with common items.

Owner: Vivian

Theme: Red Light Fort
Red Light Fort is themed after the red light district in Amsterdam. Vivian Sylvar has recently opened her establishment to bring a taste of the red light to the north, west tip of Dagger Island!
A sex dungeon filled with beds, adult novelties, liquor and more! Here at the Red Light Fort we have many fantasy rooms to choose from, and many fun things you can use your imagination with! All of our staff is very hospitable, and all girls are trained in massage. Most girls are bi-lingual in several languages (a interpreter can be provided with advance notice).

Safety is a must!
Behave! or Olaf will see you out!

It may be cold out there... but stop on in to stay warm at the Red Light Fort. We can host any size party! The orgy room has new fur rugs! Please contact Vivian for special parties of 20+ people.

In my design I used a lot of pillows, beds, cloth, house add-ons, polar bear rugs, tools, food, 104 vendors were used. This idea was brainstormed one night this past December with Mobolin. I created the vision we made that night. Due to the adult content, I will not go into details on each photo. I want to thank all the polar bear rug makers for all the rugs, Crooks and Canis for some great ideas and suggestions. I want a special thank you to Cynic for making this all possible with his sick massive hoarding, Thank you!

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Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2015
Sub TypesMassiveHouse
KeywordsDecor, Xegugg

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