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Pork Fried Rice's Entry into the Summer 2015 House Decor Contest


PANDA HOUSE, expanded upon from last year. PANDA HOUSE is a museum of organs, these hearts and livers were harvested from real (formerly) live Britannians. I encourage all to come loiter in my clearing and take a peek at the collection, maybe you'll spot your own heart, liver, or a dear friend's! PANDA HOUSE showcases the history of the most important aspect of an Ultima Online community, the players!

Let's take a quick look at PANDA HOUSE as a whole and then I will take you room by room to bring you a bit closer to see how things are done in the PANDA FOREST.

The main entrance and downstairs space serves as a welcoming and information travel center.

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Upstairs has a fresh buffet every day with food and meats from across the land.

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The roof top is where PANDA HOUSE shines. This organ museum is from my days traveling the map. I have risked my own life dozens of times just to go back to someone's corpse to harvest their organ. I take the organ documentation seriously!

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Here's a section by section breakdown...

The Sanctuary
If I actually played UO with people, I'd imagine they'd sit on these benches with me.

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The Travel Center
A rune to anywhere that matters can be found in this chamber. The benches provide safe passage for PANDA HOUSE residents but does not allow trespassers the freedom to stay at PANDA HOUSE for free. Quick restocking and drop off services are provided by our Panda Associates.

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The Tavern
Above the Sanctuary and Travel Center is the dining buffet at PANDA HOUSE. Here you can taste fruits and meats from all across Britannia, or discuss secret plans. Absolutely no MSG is served here, we guarantee it!

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The Kitchen
The kitchen in the original PANDA HOUSE was too small. The Panda Associates have expanded PANDA HOUSE's north wall, allowing the kitchen to grow to three times the size of last year's model!

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Master Bedroom
You don't need a big fancy bedroom to have a great time.

The Vault
PANDA HOUSE takes in loot by the ship load regularly. The vault is where the very best loot is stored.

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The Workshop
The new and improved workshop is 960% more organized than last year's workshop allowing us to overwork the Panda Associates!

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The Library
There are few scholarly citizens in these parts. Those who do write and distribute their own in-game tales can be published by PANDA HOUSE. Contact me for details, we have a large distribution force regularly traveling the continent. Join the collection of books written by your fellow players!

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The Trophy Space
You don't get trophies for PKing, unless your PANDA HOUSE. This trophy was received because PANDA HOUSE PKed so much that Chris couldn't handle the pages.

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Most Unique Design Element
The Brain Grotto & Lord's Lair
Where better to do my scheming against every single Britannia than in a 'brain grotto' atop of PANDA HOUSE, underneath and surrounded by hundreds of brains of my fallen species.

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Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2015
Sub TypesMassiveHouse
KeywordsDecor, PorkFriedRice

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