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Arnold Lutz's Entry into the Summer 2015 House Decor Contest
1st Place Award

My house isn't public, its more of a fancy live-able space. Big Thanks to all the folks help helped me out along the way. Elhorno for making the full size images for me. Descartes for selling me this place way back in the day. Amfek for loaning me stuff.
Pretty much the rest of O^S for idea help and helping me make the money to be able to buy a lot of junk.

Main floor- Mostly livable space and storage.

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Second Floor - Formal Dining room, Trophy room, Alchemy room, and Fishing rooms

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Top Floor - Water Gardens, Execution are, Queen worship, Cannon security

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Unique Design Element- Is my Water Gardens, desert oasis in the middle of the lush green garden.

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Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2015
Sub TypesMassiveHouse
KeywordsDecor, Arnold Lutz

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