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54d 11h

Rayth's Entry into the Summer 2015 House Decor Contest
4th Place Award

The proprietor of the Don't Go Inn in the northern Vesper Bay area is a sensible man, if maybe a little odd. Patrick Bateman, 34, a native of Skara Brae, has always been the practical type. When he took over the business from his uncle four years ago, profits had been on the decline. Years of neglect to the property coupled with a long-lasting plague of ettins in the area had taken its toll on the inn. But young Patrick knew the real money maker of his establishment was the fine dining, not the rooms he so rarely rented out. So he remodeled the upstairs level to add a second dining area and set about changing the menu to cater more to the affluent Vesper nightlife. The most popular menu items all sound like traditional pub fare, but don't be mistaken - this ain't your momma's shepard's pie. Culling from the fare of the Vesper area farmers, only the finest locally sourced ingredients make it to the plates here. And the regulars would be the first to tell you not to miss the 'traveler's stew', a long-time favorite. Don't Go Inn is now regarded as one of the finest taverns in all of Sosaria, regularly feeding 40 to 50 hungry nomads nightly. Having experienced the fare for himself, the author of this article would like to urge you not to listen to the tongue-in-cheek name of this hidden gem, and DO go in.
In other news, a ninth body was found by a local fishing crew washed up on the shores of the Vesper South beach this morning. City officials are calling this the worst crime spree in Vesper history. Local police have extended the 10 pm mandatory curfew for all citizens in the greater Vesper area for another week, or until the killer is brought to justice. More news at the top of the hour..

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And with the lights on..

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Edit: It was not easy trying to pull this off in such a short amount of time, but I'm excited I got my entry placed! My friends and I came to this server 9 days ago and are having a blast! It's great to see this much participation in something I enjoy doing so much. Special thanks to Hydrox for helping me to make this happen. Without him my entry wouldn't look nearly as good as it does. And an extra thank you to Hiro as well... for moral support, errand running, and enthusiastic internet high fiving.


Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2015
Sub TypesLargeHouse
KeywordsDecor, Rayth

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