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Azoths's Entry into the Summer 2015 House Decor Contest
5th Place Award

This is a Large House entry by Azoth, whom some of you will know from his trades on the Forum. Most of the time Azoth is grimy from battle-mining ore elementals. At home, fortunately, he's less grubby and hopes you like visiting his Large Patio. This is the first house that he and his friends owned and, again, its placement is thanks to a very kind stranger who moved one of his houses so that Azoth and co could have a place to live. First a shot of the whole place and then a quick visit, room by room.

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Although Azoth constantly says that he wants a Large Tower, you can see that he's had a huge amount of fun collecting things for his home. He never imagined that a gruff miner and smith would get so much pleasure from hunting for rares with his friend Abramelin.
Please come into the front room where you can sit and relax.

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You don't want to know how many people he and Abramelin have pestered for treasures to display here. Every time they see ReZon, for example, he probably wants to stick his fingers in his ears. This being said, he's generously helped out with the deco, as has Les - and Blackeye 'generously' un-helped by stealing a fruit-basket but let's not say anymore about that ;) The front room may be a place of R&R, but the patio is most definitely a place of work (and the fruits of work):

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Here you see where Azoth and Sil work at the forge. You can also see the Golem Statuette that Azoth found the other week and of which he's immensely proud. This now stands in company with statuettes of a Minion and a Savage Turkey, courtesy of a generous trade with Dalavar.

Wearied from his day in the smithy, Azoth of course needs his rest and finds it in the next room with Ana Conda (who is shy and won't appear in the photo):

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It's simple, but cosy. It needs a carpet but that's going to have to wait for a (long) while. The Spell of Lost Love by the bedside is unnecessary now, as you can see the romantic whispering rose on the bed from the lovely (and sinuous) Ana Conda. Okay, so what's in the final room? Well, that's Sil's tailors studio and you might like to put on some shades as it's a little, erm, 'bright':

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Yes, Sil likes his colour, clothes, cushions and other assorted clutter. Like the rest of the bunch, he's still really a newbie, but enjoys his life here in UOR and looks forward to meeting more of you (and living to tell the tale).
Azoth and his friends hope that you've enjoyed visiting their places. Sil is a bit put-out because he's not been allowed to show his Log-Cabin workshop, but maybe that can wait for another time.
May you all find as much pleasure in your homes as this bunch!
All best wishes,
Azoth, Ned, Nine-Fingers, Jonah, Ana Conda and (a slightly grumpy) Sil.


Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2015
Sub TypesLargeHouse
KeywordsDecor, Azoth

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