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Faber's Entry into the Summer 2015 House Decor Contest
1st Place Award

Last year, I had an incredible series of blacksmiths occupying my Yew villa: They enjoyed the work space and made themselves at home:

However, they eventually moved out leaving behind an empty void...In their place, a new tenant took over and transformed the house into a virtual color paradise. Sometimes easy to miss, the new tenants created a helpful map to alert color-seekers of the new location for their hoarding endeavors. This building is presently accessible to any willing member of the public, and the new tenants wish to extend an invitation to everyone to come experience the establishment in person.

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Upon approach, the smell of pine and reindeer dropping flood the nostrils. Not only that, but the new tenants appear to have a fascination with fishing...various trophies of their fishing adventures grace the upper canopy, decorating the reindeers' lounging area.

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Upon further inspection, the presence of an incredibly dressed doorman brings a welcoming atmosphere to the villa's expansive stoop. It even appears that gift boxes linger following a recent festive gathering.

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Once inside, the brightness shocks the senses and it takes a moment to let the eyes adjust. The imposing polar bear heads stare into the soul and the immense amount of trophies make one think that these new tenants are not to be taken lightly.

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While ascending the softly padded stairwell, I thought to myself, 'What else could be hidden within these four walls?' Once I reached the last step, my senses were shocked by the clear visual evidence of these new tenants' obsession with fishing. The famed ancient mibs seem to be this fisherman's particular expertise, yet there is an adjoining dedicated to some sort of dark rituals involving fire and the remnants of long decayed corpses. In addition, these corpses seem to be so decayed that they can hide items--likely related to the secret ceremonies performed within the room's tiny recesses--within their crumbling frame.

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Now months later, it is important to acknowledge that these new tenants are incredibly punctual with their rent, and their neighbors applaud their neighborly manner. I wish them all the best, and I want to extend an immense thank you to them for opening up their eye-destroying abode.


Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2015
Sub TypesMediumHouse
KeywordsDecor, Faber

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