Azoth's Entry into the Summer 2015 House Decor Contest
 1st Place Award

Now for the Medium House Category. Jonah, well, Jonah has a terrible sense of humour. Maybe it's because he spends far too long on his own on the high seas. He's a fisherman - a pretty poor bad one most of the time - and he couldn't resist calling his house 'Jonah's Plaice'. Yes, it's a horrible pun, but there you go. He's a sociable type, so he's made the patio a place for friends to come and play checkers (he's got both sets of pieces, so is one up from Nine-Fingers). There's even a book that his friend Ghost 'borrowed' from a library. why not drop by, play a game or have a read?
The roof is a very busy place. It's a place of hopes, dreams and aspirations, with bits and pieces of objects that he's picked up on his minor adventures, with the ambition to hunt for further, rarer things.

Again, in the three months that Jonah and some of his friends have been around, there's no way that he could have got most of this stuff without help from more established friends (you know who you are).
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