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52d 17h

Rezon's Entry into the Summer 2015 House Decor Contest
3rd Place Award

The Lab

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The Den

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The Scavenger's Roost

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Fun facts:

Currently using 241 of 255 lockdowns. Every item is secure (and if it's not, then congrats on snagging it!). Currently the house is locked, but will be reopened to the public later today.

First Floor - I like alchemy rares (a lot!). Here you will find the only possible set of animated flasks as well as the only (to my knowledge) set of Magincia beakers.

Second Floor - Here you will find my trophy collection. These are all the trophies that have been personalized with my or one of my character's names, including the bucket, the small fish, and the broken chair. There's not that many, but I am proud of them! The brazier on the first floor is also the fire for the fireplace on the second floor. It's raised up just high enough to function on both floors. I also like jars.

Third Floor - With the exception of the gravestone and grave, the roof contains only spawning rares that spawn on the ground. Adventurers can add all of these to their Scavenger Agent, then hit the Spawning Rares library on my steps in pursuit of treasures across the land.

Baron - Baron and my small tower are one and the same. One cannot exist without the other. It seems only fitting that Baron should receive some decoration as well. Thus, Baron is now the sparkliest vendor in the lands!


Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2015
Sub TypesSmallHouse

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