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Azoth's Entry into the Summer 2015 House Decor contest

Hello, everyone, this is Azoth and his friends. Were new, so please bear that in mind when you see our entries. There's no way we can compete with the veterans, but deco is fun so we thought we'd show what we've got :) Let's begin with the entry for Small House.

This is Ned's Den. He's pretty shy and spends most of his time either picking cotton in the field in Skara, playing lute or reading on his bed. It's such a little place that 'Den' seems the best name, especially when it's his own name backwards :) Anyway, it's cosy and close to some of his other friends, whose places you'll see next.

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After his friends heard that Ned was going to enter, they all got excited. In the end they decided that they shouldn't all enter, but Ned's friend Nine-Fingers couldn't resist competing too for the Small House category with his Small Tower and it's just over the road: Nine-Finger's Reach. Nine-Fingers is more into smithing and armour than Ned and that's what you'll see in the house. Let's start with the ground floor:

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Nine-Fingers likes a game of chess (even if he only has half the pieces). He has a green-fingered side and is very proud of the rose growing outside the front door, in a pot generously donated by a benefactor :) This is where he relaxes, but let's climb the ladder now to the visit the workshop on the next floor:

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Yes, after losing a finger in battle, Nine-Fingers is into shields in a big way, both making them and hanging them on the wall. It's a bit of a small space and he dreams of having a Large Tower with a proper smithy one day, but for now it works. So, what's on the roof, you ask? Well, his friend Sil has been busy stone-crafting for him.

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So, there's a decent table for five friends to get together (as long as it doesn't rain). There's even a colourful stone bench behind (and, yes, I'm sorry to say you're right: one of the pieces is the wrong shade of red ... but Sil ran out of furniture dye tubs *hint*).

Well, that's a tour of Nine-Finger's rather austere stone tower.


Base TypeHouseDecor
Primary TypeSummer2015
Sub TypesSmallHouse

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