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rss Guild Details

PvM! [PvM] "No charter has been specified."



- Guild Members -
Name Full Name Guild Title
Alberta The Glorious Alberta, Grandmaster Tamer No
Ancalagon The Villainous Ancalagon: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Naturalist No
Argorr The Glorious Argorr, Grandmaster Tamer No
Aubrey The Evil Lady Aubrey, Grandmaster Tamer No
Avaleera The Estimable Avaleera No
Bardilla The Glorious Bardilla: Spite of Evil Farmlord [PvM] No
BlackLawl The Prominent BlackLawl No
Blacklow The Glorious Lord Blacklow, Grandmaster Tamer No
Blacklow The Illustrious Blacklow, Grandmaster Lumberjack No
Blacksolo The Dread Lord Blacksolo: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Tamer No
Chaplain Heat The Glorious Lord Chaplain Heat, Grandmaster Ranger Brimstone Hawt [PvM] No
Clyde Beatty The Glorious Clyde Beatty No
COCOPUFF The Illustrious Lord COCOPUFF, Grandmaster Tamer Mmm, Tasty [PvM] No
Deathnote The Illustrious Deathnote: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Naturalist No
Desaad The Kind Desaad No
Enyx The Proper Enyx No
Famine The Glorious Lord Famine No
Fargrim The Glorious Lord Fargrim, Grandmaster Bard No
Fellow Traveler The Glorious Lady Fellow Traveler: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Rouser No
Fist of Hate The Glorious Fist of Hate, Grandmaster Naturalist No
Freddy The Commendable Freddy Elf Slayer [PvM] No
Glaurung The Renowned Glaurung: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Naturalist No
Jelly The Illustrious Jelly, Grandmaster Armswoman No
Joe Rogan The Glorious Lord Joe Rogan, Grandmaster Ranger No
Juliette The Illustrious Juliette, Grandmaster Tamer Shepherdess of [PvM] No
Les Paul The Glorious Lord Les Paul, Grandmaster Rouser No
Lucipheria The Glorious Lucipheria: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Rouser No
Lummy The Famed Lummy No
Lutas The Glorious Lord Lutas, Grandmaster Tamer No
Margaery The Respectable Margaery No
of Nightmares The Glorious of Nightmares, Grandmaster Tamer No
Ordog The Dread Lord Ordog, Grandmaster Pickpocket No
Paula Myo The Respectable Paula Myo No
rush The Illustrious Lady rush: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Rouser No
Steve Irwin The Respectable Steve Irwin No
Taming Tina The Dread Lady Taming Tina: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Demoralizer No
Terry The Tamer The Nefarious Terry The Tamer: Spite of Evil No
Tika Waylan The Honorable Tika Waylan No
Tritium The Glorious Tritium No
Ulysses The Commendable Ulysses No
Unicorn Girl Lady Unicorn Girl, Grandmaster Bard Egyszarvu [PvM] No
Warghoul The Illustrious Warghoul No
Guild Data Last Updated: 12/22/2024 5:22:38 AM (CST)

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