Renaissance Website Vendor Advertising System
* Players can now purchase advertising contracts from bankers
* Using these contracts on your vendor will list your vendor on the Renaissance website
* Added an additional menu that can be used to describe your vendor on the website
* Added a webpage showing information about and a map to your vendor
To Learn More Click here
Moonglow Magical Explosion
After a massive explosion was heard on Verity Isle aggressive elementals appeared all over the island attacking indiscriminately.
A fierce battle ensued and eventually the mages responsible were found dispatched by the brave adventurers.
The Defense of Cove
An orcish raiding party has dispatched the cove guards and taken over the town!
After Lord British called for players to retake and defend the town. After a violent and bloody battle the players were able to beat back the Orcish hoard, not without substantial loses.
Peace has returned to Cove for now.
Renaissance Player Profile Upgrade
* Designed by the mental patients in the css department as torture for our php developers, against all odds we were able to complete the project in 5 days.
* Special thanks to Upgrayedd, Liberation & Marquis de Sade for their assistance with the website upgrade.
To Learn More Click here
Treasure Hunt Gone Wrong
After a pirate naval party fished up a strange pulsating vortex from the depths strange creatures began to appear.
Many adventurers set out to find and stop the cause of this recent event. After a fierce naval battle a group of brave souls was able to finally defeat the vortex elemental and close the portal.
Trinsic Undead Invasion
The Horror!
A dark necromancer has emerged from beneath Trinsic Park.
Now the undead are rising from the ground to terrorize the town.
The guards have fled their posts!
The Undead Attack Jhelom
A necromancer has been spotted entering the graveyard in Jehlom!
Immediately hordes of undead creatures begun pouring out of the graveyard and attacking the town!
Thanks to the valiant efforts of our brave adventurers the necromancer was defeated after a fierce battle.
Guide Writing Contest - August/September 2013 Edition
Congrats to the winners of Gideon Juras Guide writing contest!
1st Place - Basoosh - Treasure Hunting
2nd Place - Peep - House Decorating
3rd Place - Atraxi - Detect Hidden
Honorable Mention - Pirul - Treasure Hunting
Honorable Mention - Cynic - Home Invasion
If you missed this contest make sure to submit an entry for Octobers contest.
Skara Brae attacked by the undead!
Skara Brae Evacuated!
Hoards of undead have been flooding the town.
Town guards have evacuated as many people as they could before fleeing themselves.
The island has been completely overrun and there have been reports of a Black Knight roaming the island at night.
Alert! Jhelom overrun with the undead!
The Horror!
The undead have risen in Jhelom and are attacking the townsfolk!
The guards have secured the south part of town but everything north is overrun.
Exercise extreme caution when traveling to Jhelom as a Necromancer and Black Knight have been seen.
Alert! Serpents Hold overrun with the undead!
The Horror!
The undead have risen in Serpents Hold and are attacking the townsfolk!
The guards have fled the town and left the towns people to fend for themselves.
Exercise extreme caution when traveling to Serpents Hold as Vampires have been seen.
Pirate Stronghold Discovered
Alert! A shipwrecked sailor has washed up on the shores of Trinsic telling a strange tale! Before he succumbed to his injuries he told a harrying tale of marauding pirates They are reportedly digging for something on Bald Island and have setup a base of operations southwest of Trinsic deep in the jungles. Seafaring players are advised to travel with extreme caution.
Assault on the Post Office
Warriors and Heroes of the realm!
A raving band of Lunatics is assailing the Post Office!
The forces are too great for the fledgling post office!
Warriors are rallying at the trinsic moongate.
Village of Paws vs Lord Xerxes the Black Mystic
After discovering a strange tower in the northern lands a fierce battle ensued between the Village of Paws and Lord Xerxes.
After a valiant battle with casualties on both sides the Black Mystic was finally defeated.
[cA] Chicken Fight!
Whip out your best trained chickens and fight them in a complex battle to the death!
Lord chum hath decree that the land of Sosaria is run a-fowl with stray chickens!
It is up to YOU to help eliminate these fiends in order to prevent chicken-overpopulation!
Congratulations to tonights winners!
1st Place - Liberation with the Bruiser Egggggsterminate
2nd Place - Gareth Greycliff with Vlar the Mighty
Make sure to check the player run events forum for the next [cA] ck Fight!
Trinsic Attacked!
After a large force of Dark Elves attacked Trinsic the adventurers of Britannia rallied together to push them back.
There were many casualties on both sides but eventually the Dark Commander was engaged and defeated by a group of brave warriors.
The Dark Magic Awakens Event Begins
Take part in a unique event and attempt to defeat the dark elf army!
* December 21st 10pm cst (11pm est, 8pm pst)
* December 22nd 5pm cst (6pm est, 3pm pst)
* December 22nd 11pm cst (12pm est, 9pm pst)
* December 23rd 9pm cst (10pm est, 7pm pst)
* December 24th 1pm cst (2pm est, 8pm pst)
* December 25th 2am cst (3am est, 12am pst)
* December 25th 11pm cst (12am est, 9pm pst)
* December 26th 5pm cst (6pm est, 3pm pst)
* December 27th 3pm cst (4pm est, 1pm pst)
The Grinch sighted in Cove!
The elves are currently attacking the town of cove!
A green creature has been seen slipping into houses with a bag over his shoulder!
After a fierce battle the presents the grinch stole were recovered, and immediately spirited away!
The Dark Magic Awakens Event Continues
Take part in a unique event and attempt to defeat the dark elf army!
* December 28th 12pm cst (1pm est, 10am pst)
* December 29th 6pm cst (7pm est, 4pm pst) *Special Hard Mode Event
* December 30th 10am cst (11am est, 8am pst)
* December 31st 3pm cst (4pm est, 1pm pst)
* January 1st 9pm cst (10pm est, 7pm pst)
* January 2nd 4pm cst (5pm est, 2pm pst)