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rss Guild Details

Yew's Noble Guardians [YNG] "No charter has been specified."

Kirby the healer


- Guild Members -
Name Full Name Guild Title
Adunatos The Admirable Adunatos Elder] [Pathfinder [YNG] No
Aphrodite Aphrodite Acolyte [YNG] No
Barracus The Notable Barracus Shipper [YNG] No
Bruh The Famed Bruh Squire [YNG] No
Chrys Bardo The Admirable Chrys Bardo Elder] [Muse [YNG] No
Danktank The Respectable Danktank Squire [YNG] No
Danktrain The Great Danktrain Understudy [YNG] Yes
Danktrainer The Respectable Danktrainer Handler [YNG] Yes
Dreaming Sky The Fair Dreaming Sky Muse [YNG] No
Dunatos The Fair Dunatos Elder] [Arcanist [YNG] No
Ed Gein The Rude Ed Gein Elder] [Arcanist [YNG] No
Fifi De Guerre Fifi De Guerre Housekeeping [YNG] Yes
Forseti The Estimable Forseti Elder] [Wrangler [YNG] No
headshots headshots Handler [YNG] No
Kadence Anne Kadence Anne Navy] [Boatswain [YNG] No
Kirby The Notable Kirby Elder] [Merchant [YNG] Yes
Kirby The Illustrious Kirby, Grandmaster Scout Navy] [Captain [YNG] Yes
Kirby The Famed Kirby Knight of Horrors [YNG] No
Kirby The Notable Kirby Elder] [Knight [YNG] No
Kirby the healer The Upstanding Kirby the healer Stone Elder] [Medic [YNG] Yes
Kirby the scout The Unsavory Kirby the scout Elder] [Pathfinder [YNG] No
Kryptok The Villainous Kryptok, Grandmaster Archer Elder] [Wrangler [YNG] No
Loggins The Prominent Loggins Squire [YNG] No
Lumberto The Prominent Lumberto Elder] [Receiver [YNG] No
Magnolia The Kind Magnolia Wrangler [YNG] No
Midnight Sky Midnight Sky Receiver [YNG] No
Mykhel Mykhel Elder] [Knight [YNG] No
Mykhul Mykhul Elder] [Arcanist [YNG] No
Mykos The Great Mykos Elder] [Wrangler [YNG] No
Mykos Darkcloud The Glorious Mykos Darkcloud, Grandmaster Bard Elder] [Wrangler [YNG] Yes
Nemesis The Upstanding Nemesis Elder] [Artisan [YNG] No
Nicky The Illustrious Nicky, Grandmaster Fisherman Navy] [Second Mate [YNG] No
Novalee The Glorious Lady Novalee Muse [YNG] No
Paul Bunyan Paul Bunyan Artisan [YNG] No
Phex The Dark Lord Phex, Grandmaster Scribe Acolyte [YNG] No
Pied Piper The Glorious Pied Piper Muse [YNG] No
PQ The Malicious PQ Elder] [Knight [YNG] No
Psylo Xavier The Glorious Lord Psylo Xavier, Grandmaster Shade Understudy [YNG] No
Regis The Famed Regis Navy] [First Mate [YNG] No
Ruby ap Morgana The Fair Ruby ap Morgana Navy] [Ensign [YNG] No
Sheryed The Admirable Sheryed Elder] [Wrangler [YNG] No
Singh al-Kirby Singh al-Kirby Elder] [Receiver [YNG] No
Terathas The Great Terathas Elder] [Wrangler [YNG] No
Terciopelo The Scoundrel Terciopelo Elder] [Knight [YNG] No
Terethes The Notable Terethes Elder] [Muse [YNG] No
Terithis The Admirable Terithis Elder] [Muse [YNG] No
Terpischore The Unsavory Terpischore Elder] [Muse [YNG] No
theadshots The Glorious theadshots Squire [YNG] No
Whitaker The Prominent Whitaker Squire [YNG] No
Winston The Great Winston Handler [YNG] No
ZATHUEL The Great ZATHUEL Handler [YNG] No
Zeitz The Glorious Zeitz, Grandmaster Tamer Handler [YNG] No
Guild Data Last Updated: 3/23/2025 10:44:44 PM (CST)

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